5 Best Ways To Plan The Perfect Road Trip


Going on a road trip gives you that feeling of freedom where you just hit the road and drive anywhere you want to go. However, it’s not an easy task planning one because there are important things to prepare first. Jumia Travel, the leading online travel agency, shares some ways on how to plan for the perfect road trip.


Stay entertained

The great thing about road trips is that you get to see beautiful attractions along the way. However, most of the time it’s just vast open spaces of desert or farms, so bring something to keep you up and entertained. You don’t want to fall asleep while you’re driving.

Plan your routes

You might be the type of traveller who just wants to drive and go with the flow, but planning your routes is really important. Your routes will determine your fuel money, food supply, clothing needs and much more. Using route planner software such Route4Me can help you plan the most efficient route for your road trip.

Get your car checked

You’re confident that your car can withstand long drives, but it’s recommended that you have a professional mechanic check your car first. It would be better to solve problems before you hit the road so you can avoid delays during your trips.

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Get hard copies of maps and brochures

Maps and brochures aren’t really a thing these days because of smartphones, GPS, and other hi-tech devices. However, it’s best to have a backup just in case of emergencies. You don’t want to get lost in the middle of nowhere if ever your gadgets stop working.

Take some cash even if you have your ATM

It’s a lot safe bringing debit cards during your road trip but take note that some places still only accept cash.You should bring a reasonable amount of cash with you and keep it in a very safe place.

Adeniyi Ogunfowoke is a PR associate at Jumia Travels.


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