Some bags laden with about 25 skeletons and various decomposing human body parts had been reportedly found in an unused room at a police station on Thursday, January 29, 2015.
According to Times of India, a few painters were working inside the Reserve Police Lines premises, when they curiously peeped into the room through an open window and saw human remains piled up inside the abandoned room which emitted a strong pungent odour.
They immediately called on the police who rushed to the scene and sent the bags of decomposing remains to the district hospital morgue in Uttar Pradesh, India for a post mortem tests in order to identify them.
It was also learnt that about 100 bodies were previously kept in the police building for investigations.
An Indian opposition leader, Pankaj Singh speculated that the bodies could be those of victims murdered for their organs.
He urged the police to carry out a full investigation into the matter.

The police disclosed that families who could not afford to bury their deceased members in a cemetery usually dumped their remains in the river.
About 100 decomposing human remains were found dumped in a river in Uttar Pradesh.