This is the amazing moment a seven-week old baby hears his parents’ voices for the first time – and his reaction is priceless.
In a video posted by Lachlan Lever’s father Toby on YouTube, the tot is fitted with his first set of hearing aids.
And though he initially finds them uncomfortable, the expression on his little face soon changes to surprise, and then amazement … and then a cheeky smile spreads across his face.
‘Our beautiful son Lachlan was diagnosed as having moderate to severe hearing loss in both ears,’ Toby explains in the YouTube post.
‘His reaction when they were turned on was truly amazing. We cried from happiness.’
Lachlan is now two and doing ‘remarkably’ according to his proud father.
![Lachlan’s face breaks into a cheeky smile upon hearing his parents for the first time (photo credit]: Toby Lever/YouTube)](