Days after the First Lady of The United States (FLOTUS), Michelle Obama, gave a graduation speech at Tuskegee University, she received immense praise about the speech.
Michelle Obama had addressed a full house at the historically Black University but since there are two sides to every tale, there are those who feel that the speech was racially charged and therefore inappropriate coming from a first lady and the first black American first lady. They believe that the speech neither presented a helpful or a truthful message.
The FLOTUS used the platform to address the racial inequalities and tension in the country. She told the graduating students that; “The road ahead is not going to be easy. It never is, especially for folks like you and me. Because while we’ve come so far, the truth is those age-old problems are stubborn, and they haven’t fully gone away.”
She pointed out in her address some of the hardship she and her husband have had to face as a black couple in America.
Obama stated: “The people at formal events who assumed you were the help and those that have questioned our intelligence, our honesty and even our love of this country … those little indignities are minimal compared to nagging worries that you are going to get stopped or pulled over for absolutely no reason or the agony of sending your kids to schools that may no longer be separate, but are far from equal.”
However, Angela McGlowan has expressed her disapproval and the reason for it while appearing on the show ‘Fox and Friends’.
McGlowan, who is a Fox News analyst/contibutor, said; “Being the first black first lady, I would have expected a more positive message,” McGlowan said, characterizing the address as racially charged. She felt the speech was especially inappropriate since Obama’s “husband has utilized race to divide this country.”

McGlowan argued that if the FLOTUS wanted to complain about the many injustices she had experienced prior to this time, she should also have applauded the many academic and professional opportunities she has received as a Black woman from affirmative action.
“Why didn’t the first lady share the reason why she got into Princeton was probably because of affirmative action?” McGlowan asked. “The reason she became an associate at a law firm was probably because of diversity, that they needed a woman. I’m not saying she wasn’t qualified. But they needed a woman, and a woman of color. That’s a twofer.”
McGlowan apparently did not find anything acceptable about the FLOTUS address stating that “If it was a regular time in America [the speech] would have been OK,” McGlowan said.