Two step siblings who had a sexual relationship with each other murdered their parents in cold blood and did something even bizarre by having sex with the corpses.
Police officials in Argentina said the duo of Leandro Acosta, 25, and Karen Klein, 22, shot and killed their parents because they abused their 11-year-old twin brother and sister.
As if having sex with the corpses was not enough, the pair fed their bodies to the dogs, and then set the remaining ones ablaze.

WWWN reports that a passerby found a bone of Miryam Kowalczuk outside her home in Pilar, and called the police.
The two suspects were arrested and Leandro Acosta admitted to killing his stepfather, Ricardo Klein, and eating part of his body while his Klein watched on.
The police believe that the two siblings must have killed their parents for financial purposes.
Klein disclosed that she was forced to dispose of the bodies following threats from her brother.