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Friday, October 18, 2024

Advice For Gym Newcomers Who Aren’t Finding Their Groove

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[dropcap]I[/dropcap]f you’ve been going to a gym for a while and haven’t been really feeling like you’ve been making much progress, it might be that you’re doing something wrong or aren’t working out efficiently. There could be many things that you should look into so that you do them just right, but it’s hard to say without actually seeing you work out.

For that reason, we have compiled an article that aims to help you overcome this rough patch you’re going through with the gym and hopefully help you regain control and see some progress. After all, there’s nothing more satisfying that to see your hard work pay off. So if you’ve downed your scitec-nutrition and tied your running shoes, check out these tips and see if any apply to you.

shape skipping rope jump rope gym
(c) Big Stock
Are you recognizing your limits?

This is something hard to come to grips with for some people especially if they have a big ego, but you’re not Superman. You have limits and ignoring them will not only put you in physical danger at the gym but will also ruin your workout. For example, if you use dumbbells that are way heavier than anything you are currently able to work out with comfortably, it might just so happen that at your next bench press with dumbbells you will lose control of it and it will fall on your head. Even if you manage to elude that scenario, you are still struggling to life the thing. This means that you aren’t respecting the correct movements necessary to correctly complete the exercise. This means that it won’t be effective and you’re basically wasting your time. Know your limits and be patient as you work your way up to higher difficulties.

Kettlebell Set
Kettlebell Set
Are you giving it your all?

A lot of people will tell you that they are giving it everything they got but that’s not really the case. If you can still move comfortably after a workout you are probably not done and haven’t given it all that you have. No one is saying that you have to work out until you hurt yourself, but the smallest amount of physical pain or discomfort shouldn’t be a reason for which you quit altogether. Fight through the pain and see just far you can go before you reach your limits. If you don’t push yourself, your body won’t grow since it will remain in its comfort zone.

rebounding exercises
(c) Adobe Stock
Are you doing the exact same thing over and over again?

An amazing workout is something that you experience for the first time. If you continue to use that workout routine, slowly but steadily that amazing workout will turn into a great workout and after that into an OK workout. What this means is that there will come a time when your body will say “I’m bored of this” and thus won’t be giving you the satisfaction of seeing it evolve when you use that workout. The same thing goes for your diet. You have to switch things up now and then just so you can take your body by surprise. You might even take yourself by surprise with how much you’re enjoying your new workout or diet.

workout exercise calories fitness

Are you preparing appropriately before beginning your training?

If you’re having cramps or your body is hurting shortly after starting a workout, you probably aren’t stretching and warming up. Warming up has the role of getting your muscles ready for an intense session of physical activity. It’s the very last thing you would want to cut out from your day at the gym. Stretching will help you loosen up your joints and tendons and make you more suitable for the various demanding positions and exercises that you will attempt. Not stretching and warming up is the easiest and shortest way to pulling your back or dislocating your shoulder for that matter, with a ton of other injuries in between. Spending 10 minutes before the workout to prepare will be invaluable.

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