The very first photo of “Jihadi John” as an adult has been released, which was taken from his time as a computer engineer in Kuwait before he joined the ISIS terror group.

As shocking as it may sound, Jihadi John, whose real name is Mohammed Emwazi, was described as ‘calm and decent’ and ‘the best employee we ever had’ by his employer at an IT firm in Kuwait.
He traveled to Kuwait when he was 21 and found a job at the unnamed company by faking his CV but left Kuwait in 2010 to London, before moving finally to Syria.
In the photo, Emwazi is seen with a thick black beard, wearing a traditional red and white Arabic headscarf commonly seen in Kuwait.

According to Guardian newspaper, his then boss at the IT company described Emwazi as ‘the best employee we ever had’.
“He was very good with people. Calm and decent,” he added.
‘He came to our door and gave us his CV. How could someone as calm and quiet as him become like the man who we saw on the news?
“It’s just not logical that he could be this guy. I have no answers for this. He wasn’t sociable. He was always earnest… He didn’t smile. But he wasn’t bad.’
“He left the company when he returned to England in 2010, maybe he fell into the wrong hands when he went back.”