Abusidiq EFCC Arrest: A Cautionary Tale Pro-Buhari Online Anarchists [MUST READ]


[dropcap]Y[/dropcap]ou helped the pro Buhari ‪#‎goharderbuhari‬ hashtag trend.

You find every opportunity to cast aspersion on the Nigerian Judiciary, who you somehow have found to be corrupt sometime about June 2015.

You mock those who gripe that the Rule of Law should take preeminence in every engagement between and among citizens and government; citizen vs citizen, and government to government. You assert that they must be related to Dasuki and are afraid of being asked to vomit yams by the “no-nonsense” government of “incorruptible” Muhammadu Buhari.

You decry press freedom whenever Buhari and his clueless APC government is being lampooned in any way for their one-a-week misdemeanour.

Then one of the members of your Idiot Colony is “arrested” by your comrade in recalcitrance, the EFCC, and somehow you imagine you could guilt or manipulate reasoning individuals who you call “wailing wailers” in scorn for criticising their own government, to rise in empathy and support for one who is nothing but a half-clever scoundrel?

When you tripe heads called Buharists mouth those your inane lines of “we will criticise the government when it is necessary, and encourage…” , in your delusions of exclusivity and confraternity with the Buhari-led government of the day, what did you think criticism and government to be?

Okay. So I see your pseudo-intellectual overlords who school you on social media influenza dissemination didn’t break things down for you.

You were told to substitute “government” for President, and “presidency” for “Muhammad Buhari”, and that you’d be just fine in your faux critic con, right?.

Well the lot of you are expendable, and if there is anything flailing despots know too well, it is the art of sacrificing the cream of its most strident sycophants.

I personally consider the Abusidiqs of every Nigerian generation scum. I struggle at the best of times to maintain traction on the first rungs of the morality ladder, but one thing I can say of myself is that my hypocrisy is for my private needs.

I can never be a stupid hypocrite. I will not trend any hashtags or hold up banners for moral scoundrels and sociopaths who support bad governments.

I pity anyone who is sincerely concerned about the present national buffoonery and yet finds a way to insert some civic concern for the Abusidiqs of this battered land.

He will emerge from this contrived drama, empowered by your civic decency and morality to rain fire on the venture of Liberty and Rights.

I have lived long enough to know this kind too intimately for comfort. This is both my albatross and my redemption.

Let the walking dead bury their fellow zombies.

Temidayo Ahanmisi is a social critic. Connect with him on Facebook

The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author. 


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