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Sunday, March 23, 2025

7 Mindset Shifts You Need To Save Your Marriage

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In Hermetic philosophy, there are seven universal principles in the universe by which everything in existence is governed and brought into exquisite balance or harmony. Three of these laws are immutable meaning they are absolute or unchanging.  The immutable laws have been and will always be. Then there are the mutable laws or those that are considered to be transitory and transcendent. These four laws, although can be used to create an ideal reality, still governs your existence and therefore it makes no sense to attempt to defy them. The ultimate aim would be to master all seven laws of the universe, and learn to transcend those that are mutable or transitory.

In brief, the seven laws are:

1.  The Law of Mentalism (Immutable) – States that ALL things, everything, everywhere come from ONE Source. It also states that ALL things, everything, everywhere, on every level are subordinate to this Omnipotent Universal Mind.

2.  The Law of Correspondence (Immutable) – States that there is harmony between body, mind, and spirit and as it is above so it is below and as it is below so it is above because all things come from ONE Source.  This also includes you.

3.  The Law of Vibration (Immutable) – States that everything in the universe is pure energy in motion vibrating at different frequencies.  The Law of Attraction is based on this universal principle.  The experiences we have with our five physical senses are conducted through these vibrations. The same is true for the mental realm as well. Our emotions are vibrations and thought carries weight. Love is the highest and most subtle vibration in the universe. Hate/fear is the densest and most base.  However, it is possible to control your mental vibrations at will.

4.  The Law of Polarity (Mutable) – States that everything comes in pairs; everything has two sides; everything is dual; and everything has an opposite. It also states that things that appear as opposites are actually two extremes of the same thing just presented in varying degrees.  Hot/cold, light/dark, peace/war, love/hate, good/evil, yes/no, and so forth.  With this law and by practicing the art and science of polarization you can transform your thoughts from one degree to another by simply raising your vibrations.

5.  The Law of Rhythm (Mutable) – States that everything flows in and out, backwards and forwards. In other words the pendulum swings in everything almost unnoticeably – cycles of life.  To transcend the swing of the pendulum and the negotiation between backwards and forwards, you must become aware of the subtle start of the backward motion. When you feel the law at work drawing you back, instead being fearful and discouraged, know that you are one with the Omnipotent Universal Mind where nothing in impossible. Stay focused and remain positive no matter how far back this law pulls you. Your steadfastness and perseverance will be rewarded; and as you elevate your vibrations and move more into your higher self, the backward movement becomes less negative.

6.  The Law of Cause and Effect (Mutable) – States that every effect you see in the external and physical world and environment around you has its cause in the origin or your internal or mental world.  Your thoughts, words, and actions set effects in motion and materialize over time. You can transcend this law and master your destiny and reality by mastering your mind.

7.  The Law of Gender – States that everything and everyone contains both masculine and feminine elements. Feminine qualities are love, patience, intuition, gentleness; and masculine qualities are energy, self-reliance, logic, and intellect. The qualities of a man are latent in a woman, and the qualities of a woman are latent in a man.

The two laws I would like to draw reference to here are:  the Law of Polarity and the Law of Rhythm.

Relationships are not built on the “I” paradigm, they are built and maintained on the We, Us, and Ours paradigm. Not grasping this very important idea, particularly in married life can and will result in the breakdown of your relationship.

When two people come together, often they come together by choice and for the benefit of the whole. There is at no time in a marital relationship where one entity becomes less than or more important than the whole. While each individual member of a team is an important part of that team, decisions made are to be made for the collective health of everyone. If an area or member is suffering, it is critical to strengthen that component otherwise the entire team suffers. It is similar to one of the systems in the body being out of whack. The other systems must compensate for the weakness in one area of the body, thus the weakness in one impact the health of all others.

Ideally it is better to strengthen the area of weakness, as opposed to discarding the area that is weak. If you do away with it, there will be a continual compensation needed, unless and until what was discarded is replaced. The earth itself has a wobble and the divine or Omnipotent Universal Mind places a law-regulating motion to compensate for the wobble of the earth, otherwise it would lose its balance and leave its orbit. The earth rotates on an axis at 1,037 1/3 miles per hour.  It revolves around the sun which is the source of light and life.

An Axis is the central point of a two-dimensional body or that central or principle structure. It is the longitudinal support upon which something is arranged. In the marriage dynamic, one can experience two principles readily as the couple move toward making the ideal of balance, oneness, and harmony a tangible reality in their marriage.  The ideal or paradigm of marriage is on the principles of everything is created in pairs, and everything flows in and out backwards and forwards and in order to achieve and maintain exquisite balance each body in the marriage motion must compensate for each other and ultimately move beyond or transcend an individual or singular mindset to a higher expression of Oneness, which is a direct reflection of how the Omnipotent Universal Mind operates.

The Law of Polarity is the fourth law of the seven universal laws, and the first of the mutable laws. In the context of marriage, the ability to master the art and science of polarization is a foundational principle necessary to build a successful relationship and the first to challenge a marriage. To overstep the boundaries that the law of polarity presents, a couple must first understand that the principle of duality, while it may appear to be very real in their lives, only exists in the physical and mental realms, and not in the spiritual realm where All is One.  The Omnipotent Universal Mind is above the opposites and thus the ultimate aim of marriage is to become One.  However, to reach that end, or shall I say beginning, is to rise above emotion (energy in motion) into the thinking of One. In the marriage mindset, the ultimate aim is oneness. Therefore by placing the fulcrum of thought on the all-powerful, all-knowing, and their combined power and knowledge as a couple or One entity,  therein is the key to transcending the Law of Polarity.

The Law of Rhythm is the fifth law of the seven universal laws, and the second of the mutable laws. In the context of marriage, the ability to master retrograde motion by the degree of what flows in and out is also key to a successful and lasting relationship. Balanced flow of the positive and negative charge or of yin and yang energy is what creates harmony, and is directly relative to the degree or position of both bodies in motion within the marriage. In the marriage mindset, the aim is also harmony. Therefore by becoming more aware of the subtle start of backward or retrograde motion in the marriage, by being conscious of their collective positions as well as the position of external bodies, and by positioning the mind toward achieving a harmonic outcome and staying positive, the impact of negative forces that come against the relationship is neutralized and balanced out by the couple re-positioning themselves in unity toward an even greater unified mind and movement in order to compensate for any forces that come against the union.

Both people that make up the couple in the marriage must be willing to master these two mutable laws of the universe to achieve the rewards that marriage offers. More importantly both laws require the entities to adapt to changing conditions as marriage is organic and is a fundamental necessity to a thriving universe. There is a mindset that is characteristic of marriage and goes along with success in the marriage dynamic.

Characteristics of Marriage Mindset in Marriage:

  • Complementary
  • Win/Win Attitude
  • Think in terms of its mates as a Component
  • Strength and Opportunity Based

Characteristics of a Single Mindset in Marriage:

    • Competitive
    • Win /Lose Attitude
    • Think in terms of its mate as an Opponent
    • Weaknesses and Threats Based

(via Black Life )

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