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7 Easy Ways To Boost Your Academic Performance In University Or College

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[dropcap]M[/dropcap]ost students start university with high hopes and dreams. They envision a graduation ceremony full of fanfare, accolades, awards and job opportunities. For many, these wishes will never come to fruition. They will discover too late that achieving academic success requires a lot of planning, goal-setting and hard work.

Beyond attending lectures, submitting assignments and academic essays, and focusing on your studies, there are extra steps you can take too. In this article, we will outline and discuss tips gathered from research and surveys. We also got a few ideas from billionaires, business executives and academic experts. It’s easy to have a great student life and excel in your academics if you follow these interesting tips.

5 Easy Way To Improve Your Grades In College or University

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Before You Attend Any Class, Read The Topic To Be Discussed

The times have changed. Modes of instruction are evolving too. Gone are those days when professors come to class with the sole aim of lecturing and instructing students. These days, classes are more interactive. Professors expect students to have read the subject to be discussed.

Lectures involve a lot of discussions. If you don’t prepare for lectures, the lesson for the day will sound strange to you. Find time to read all the recommended materials before you waltz into the classroom. If there are assignments, do them and turn them in before the deadline. The only students who can’t participate during lectures are those who fail to do their assignments and required reading exercises.

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Write Lecture Notes

Younger students are always urged to take down notes. In the university though, students are left to use their discretions. Some students interpret this to mean that notes are unnecessary. They are wrong.

Do your best to bring a notebook and a pen whenever you’re going into a lecture hall. Laptops and other electronic devices aren’t fantastic note-taking devices. Think about all the distractions that come with these devices. You need to be focused on what the lecturer is discussing in class. Again, you can lose your notes to a virus attack or operating system failure.

Make sure you have comprehensive lecture notes as they will make it easier for you to write excellent papers. Great notes can help you study better for tests.

Here are a few research-proven qualities of a good lecture note.

  • Good notes are very organized. To make your note comprehensive, use topic headings and dates. Arrange your notes according to subjects. Each course should have a separate note. Draw margins. Space your texts too. Neat notes are easier to read when preparing for tests.
  • Good notes are comprehensive. If your lecturer speaks fast or inaudibly, you might have a few mistakes in your notes. Take time to correct them. Compare notes with your classmates, read other course materials to ensure that your notes are up to date.
  • Excellent notes are legible: Many students who have bad handwritings learn to type their notes on a computer. The idea is to have notes that are legible and clear for future study. Typing your notes come with a great deal of advantages. Top on the list is this: typing your notes helps refresh your memories. Students who do this are unlikely to forget al that they have learned.

Discover Your Weaknesses And Work Hard To Improve On Those Areas

Everyone has their areas of strengths and weaknesses. For instance, some students are good at verbal reasoning but struggle with quantitative reasoning or mathematics.

At the beginning of each lecture, you might notice that some courses will require more research than others will. Spend your study time in tackling the most difficult subjects. Intensive study tends to reveal our areas of weaknesses. Do not feel daunted by all you need to learn. After a\l, that’s why you are in college. When reading through your textbooks, lecture notes and handouts, ask yourself this question. Do I understand the subject better? Can I answer past examination/model questions? Make sure you answer these questions sincerely.

Studies show that every student’s ability to excel in difficult courses or subjects depend on the willingness to tackle the subject head-on. Getting good grades requires a lot of hard work and perseverance.

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Practice and Test Your Level Of Readiness With Model papers And Past Test Questions

One first class graduate mentioned this tip in an interview. “When I was a student, I made sure I always had as many model papers and past examination questions as I could find. My goal was to solve and answer all the questions. The tests helped me prepare for every upcoming exam I had to write.”

Go out of your way to get model questions. Most lecturers are kind and generous enough to share examples of past examinations and tests. If you have uptight professors, don’t worry. Ask previous students to share their past examinations with you. These model papers and tests make it easier for students to prepare for tests.

If you are lucky, getting this information will be easy. Some universities provide model papers and test questions on their course websites. Past questions are one of those effective resources every student needs to boost their academic performance. According to academic experts, students can:

  • Study old essays meticulously with the aim of learning the expert’s writing style.
  • Treat the old tests as a study guide. They can give you a great opportunity to study the structure and layout of the examination questions. The guide will help you get acquainted with the concepts and theories that might appear on the paper. Learning more about possible exam questions will help you prepare better.

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Design A Study Timetable and Adhere To It

Most first class graduates are excellent at managing their time and resource. To make good grades, it is important to acquire time management skills.

Draw up a timetable for each day. Most importantly, design a study time table. Adhere to your study time and stick to your timetable. As the end of the semester draws near, prepare to write your papers and tests. Don’t wait until the last minute. Allocate enough time for study and assignments. You can still socialize if you are an extrovert, but you must do so within a specified timeframe. Remember: you are in school to make excellent grades.

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Associate With Successful students

Ever heard the saying, tell me your friends and I will tell you who you are? This quote is very accurate.

Your friends influence you. If you want to make great grades, socialize with straight A students. Look around you. Pick your friends wisely. Successful students motivate their friends to study. They are more likely to invite you to group discussions, tutorials, and revisions. And you are more likely to study and improve your grades when you belong to the right academic social circle.

However, you must beware of study sessions which tend to veer towards mindless chitchat. Be alert and use a clock. If the things being discussed won’t improve your academic performance, excuse yourself and walk away.

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Boost Your Physical and Mental health

Sick students struggle academically. This is a sad fact of life. To improve your grades, you must take steps to improve your physical and mental health. Get adequate sleep, eat a healthy diet and guard your mind against depressing thoughts.

Participating in sporting activities can also boost your mood and overall health. Strive towards feeling optimistic about learning and studying in general. If you feel depressed or anxious about something that has happened, talk to someone wiser than you. If there is a counsellor or therapist around, be sure to talk to them.

Rounding Up

Formal education is priceless. A university education is even more valuable than silver or gold. Not just because it exposes you to a lot of learning opportunities and challenges, it also prepares to survive and even, excel in the real world.

But students have to make the most of their time in college if they are to achieve academic success. All students have to do is keep successful friends, attend lectures, keep organized notes, protect their physical and mental health and use model papers and tests.

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