[dropcap]E[/dropcap]veryone loves pizza. That makes it a great business to invest in.
Like in other businesses, success depends on your ability to solve problems in your market. For instance, people want their favorite delivered to their doorstep.
Offering pizza delivery services is an effective way to build your firm. Makes it easier to expand your customer base and efficiently handle their orders.
However, the exercise isn’t clear of challenges. For example, your operators have to divide time between deliveries and dine-in customers. Plus, you’ll need to ensure your drivers are competent, licensed and insure.
In this post, we’ll look at best practices that can make your pizza delivery an efficient process for your firm.
1. Have Your Delivery Fleet
At first, it may seem cheap to have employees drive their vehicles for delivery. But that’s not true.
The insurance cost and liability of paying these expenses aren’t worth in the long run.
Buying your car may have high investment costs. But, they’ll give you the option to use the vehicle in any way you deem fit. For instance, you can quickly wrap advertising on your car.
2. Create an Order App
Almost everyone owns a smart phone. Your potential clients are using the phone to do virtually anything. So, why don’t you make a pizza order app for your firm?
The app makes it easier to reach young and tech-savvy people. It allows for a faster order processing and secure payment option.
3. Check Twice, Cut Once
Order mix-ups may occur accidentally from time to time. Unlike with dine-in customers, you don’t have the luxury of sending the pizza back to the kitchen. There’s no better remedy to incorrect delivery order.
Before they leave, the delivery drivers should check all orders for accuracy. Items to check include drinks, side items, and sauces.
Delivery drivers should also check whether they have enough change before leaving your premises. The exercise helps make the process seamless.
4. Emphasize Driver’s Safety
Your delivery driver should observe safe driving technique. Such should include keeping the speed limit, wearing seatbelts and give way to pedestrians.
Other than this, you need to train them on safety precautions. For instance, they shouldn’t carry too much money with them to deter thieves.
Instruct the drivers to only make deliveries to well-lit and occupied houses. Also, they shouldn’t enter a customer’s home.
If possible, brand their attire for easier identification at the door. It’ll help put your customers at ease especially when they can’t see the delivery van.
5. Advertise
Are you ready to start a pizza delivery business? Do your customers know about it? Share the news on your social media pages, websites, and signage. Don’t forget to include your contact details.
Also, take advantage of delivering your pizza directly to your clients’ doorstep. Use box toppers with weekly promotions or coupons to encourage re-orders.
Investing in pizza delivery will help your business stay competitive. But if you’re not careful, it’ll strain your staff. Ensure you’re able to place a balance between the two.