[dropcap]C[/dropcap]areer development depends on numerous factors, from the season to employment trends. However, the most important factor is your own involvement, as you are the person behind your career successes and failures. Find out how to boost your career development in 5 simple steps!
Step Outside Your Comfort Zone
Most of us feel very convenient doing what we know in a familiar environment, but if you feel your career isn’t developing the way you want, the first and one of the most effective things you can do is leave your comfort zone. Doing something that intimidates you may be stressful at first, but the results will make it all worth it. Think about the things that scare you when it comes to your career. Are you always trying to avoid speaking publicly in your company? Then being the one to do the next presentation on behalf of your team may be something that will not only help you cure that fear, but also give you new opportunities for career development.
If you want to step out of the box but are not sure what exactly to do, you can ask your manager for help. A manager can give you assignments that are completely new to you, and that will be your way to determine what you want to do and can do well.
Use Your Network
Whether you’ve worked for several months, years, or decades, you probably have a growing network of professional contacts. Your professional network can include your present and past co-workers, people you studied with, professionals you meet at conferences and industry events, or even random acquaintances in rivaling companies. All of these contacts can help you achieve the level in your career you deserve. What’s even more amazing is that this help can come in the most unexpected ways. Your professional contacts can not only introduce you to people who can dramatically influence your career or refer you to new job openings, but also give you the knowledge and skills to open up a whole new career path.
It’s also a great idea to move at least some part of your professional communication online. You probably don’t need an explanation about what LinkedIn is, but not every LinkedIn user knows how to get the most out of it. The CFO from OhMyEssay says that LinkedIn has been crucial in his career development: by getting in touch with the right people, receiving invitations to industry events and being introduced to even more vital contacts his career has gone through a huge advancement.
Start at Your Current Company
For many people the advancement in their careers is closely associated with the need to switch companies, but the truth is that you can achieve a lot at the place you’re currently working at. Of course, the larger your company is, the more opportunities for career growth there are, but, on the other hand, working for a smaller company means more opportunities to be noticed and promoted. TheBalance has a pretty good guide on how to boost your career development in the current workplace. The secret is to be proactive, know your worth, and know exactly what you want from your career, since even the greatest HR manager at your company doesn’t know your desires better than you do.
Acquire New Skills
Your career development can happen only under the condition of intense personal development. No matter which industry you’re working at, it’s always evolving and changing. IT, medicine, law, finances, journalism, teaching, or hospitality – whatever industry you consider to be yours, it’s likely evolving at a rapid pace. If you can’t keep up with the development, soon you’ll find yourself in a place that isn’t even close to your career goals.
The solution here is to never stop learning. Read industry magazines and blogs to find out about new trends, talk to people who are at the avant garde of the industry progress, and develop new skills that are required to move up the career ladder. The Project Manager from EssaysArea says they create lots of opportunities for their writers to evolve, and those who demonstrate the biggest desire to grow get promoted in no time. Utilize your internet connection and see if an online course such as an online mba dual degree interests you. You’ll have a credible degree and be well-equipped to handle higher roles in your organization.
Master the Art of Self Promotion
When you’re focused on career development, one of the most crucial skills you need to master is self promotion. You can tell a lot about yourself, but what really matters is whether you can sell yourself. You may know already who to talk to to give your career a boost, but what exactly are you going to tell them? To prepare for the pitch, list your most outstanding skills and accomplishments and think of the best ways to present them to the right person. Think of it as an advertisement for yourself, do your best and new opportunities won’t keep you waiting!
Sasha Capable is an experienced employee currently working as a freelancer. She knows what it means to be both an in-house expert and a high-demand freelancer. Throughout his own career path Sasha came up with working strategies of success that he is always eager to share!