You know about Bishop TD Jakes as one of the most celebrated and respected pastors in America. He is more than a preacher, however, and has pushed his brand and message into a variety of venues throughout the world. He has books, movies, TV deals, and all the other things that allow him to influence minds young and old everywhere.
But here are a few facts you can put in your pocket so that you’ll know who TD Jakes truly is:
1) His full name is Thomas Dexter Jakes. He was born in 1957 and is a Gemini (June 9). He was born in South Charleston, West Virginia.
3) Bishop Jakes has been praised by former US President George W. Bush, who wrote that Jakes is “a kind of man who puts faith into action.” But Jakes was criticized for spending time publicly with President Bush right after the incompetence of the Bush Administration lead to the deaths of thousands of people during Hurricane Katrina. Some saw the move as Bush’s decision to use Jakes as a pawn to get the black community to forgive him for letting so many people die.
4) Bush isn’t the only president that the bishop has spent time with. Bishop Jakes led the early morning prayer service for President Barack Obama on January 20, 2009, shortly after the first black president was elected.
5) Bishop Jakes has five children and married his wife, Serita Ann Jamison, in 1981, when he was 24 years old.

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