2. You’re a closet slob. Even if you managed to sweep all the popcorn kernels beneath the throw rug and stuff the old pizza box under the couch before your girlfriend arrives, your dirty shower will be your downfall. She’ll see that your outward cleanliness is just an act because one of the most important places in your home is covered in filth. Here comes your girlfriend’s fear that your slovenliness will one day burst out of the closet, or in this case the shower stall, and take over the entire house, transforming it into a stinky hellhole. Definitely not marriage material.
3. You need a mother, not a girlfriend. A dirty shower says you don’t want to grow up. You never learned how to clean up after yourself or simply don’t feel like it—and you’re not going to change that habit anytime soon. After all, it can take weeks for a shower stall to show its true filth with all that soap and water running through it all the time. Your girlfriend will think you are either expecting your mother to show up to properly scour your shower or you’re holding out for a girlfriend who acts as your mother. The latter is even better, of course, since it means you might get some sex out of the deal. If you thought a closet slob made you non-marriage material, just wait until you see what needing a mother-girlfriend does for you.
(via Made Man)