The human body is pretty flipping spectacular.
Far from being just bundles of bones, blood and skin, our bodies can produce other humans, run marathons, climb mountains or indulge in an 11-hour Netflix sessions. Pretty much whatever challenge you choose to throw at it.
But some people are born with record-breaking bodies.
Behold the biggest, longest and most mind-boggling bodies – but be warned, you can’t unsee these pictures.
1. Kim Goodman (above)
Kim’s eyeball popping game is seriously strong.
She can propel her peepers .47 inches out of their sockets.
Scary, but impressive.
2. Christine WaltonNailed it (Picture: Guinness Worl Records)
Christine’s mad manicure boasts the longest fingernails on a female pair of hands with 11ft talons.
Hopefully that title pays well because it must be impossible for her to get anything done.
3. Supatra Sasuphan
Facial hair, don’t care (Picture: Guinness World Records)
Supatra is the hairiest teenager in the world.
She embraces her facial fuzz entirely, telling Guinness World Records that she doesn’t feel any different to anyone else.
‘Being hairy makes me special.’
True, that. Girls don’t break world records with waxing strips.
4. Nick Stoeberl
Flaming licks (Picture: Guinness World Records)
Nick’s 10cm tongue is the longest in the world.
You might think it’s freaky, but his partner has no complaints.
5. Lucky Diamond Rich
Aww, you guys made me ink (Picture: Guinness World Records)
Lucky is the planet’s most tattooed man, just in case you couldn’t work it out.
He’s also got metal teeth, because that’s how he rolls.
6. Annie Hawkins-Turner
Baby got back…breaking breasts (Picture: Guinness World Records)
Annie has the largest natural breasts, measuring in at a back-breaking 70-inches.
Her bust started growing when she was just 9-years-old and she’s worn a bra since she was in the third grade.
7. Anthony Victor
Same (Picture: Guinness World Records)
This charming gentleman looks so pleased with himself because has the longest ear hair.
Nope, nothing more to add on that.
8. Francisco Domingo Joaquin
Foghorn gob (Picture: Guinness World Records)
Can it (Picture: Guinness World Records)
All the big mouths you know ain’t got nothing on Francisco.
He has the widest mouth known to man, measuring in at seven inches.
As you can see, that allows him to pop a can of Coke in his grill.
9. Mehmet Ozyurek
He nose (Picture: Guinness World Records)
Run for cover if you sense a sneeze coming on because Mehmet’s hooter is the longest on a living person at 3.5 inches.
10. Karl-Heinz Hille
Lip-tickler (Picture: Guinness World Records)
Karl holds the record for the most wins at the World Beard and Moustache Championships.
His facial hair looks like you could hang something off it. Which could be convenient should you find yourself short of coat hangers.
11. Garry Stretch
Tuck in skin (Picture: Guinness World Records)
Spread thin (Picture: Guinness World Records)
Garry’s elastic skin has earned him a place in the Guinness Book Of Records.
It’s so stretchy he can wear it as a scarf. Lovely.
12. Svetlana Pankratova
Never-ending (Picture: Guinness World Records)
Svetlana’s long legs measure an 51 inches (4.25 ft) long, which probably makes you jealous until you consider how impossible finding trousers would be.
13. Brahim Takioullah
Just Brahim and Jyoti chilling (Picture: Guinness World Records)
Brahim currently holds the Guinness World Record for the largest feet.
He’s also the second-tallest person alive.
14. Jyoti Amge (above)
Joyti is the world’s smallest woman at just 61cm (2ft) tall.
And as you can see she’s also Brahim’s BFF.
15. Sarwan Singh
Growth (Picture: Guinness World Records)
Sarwan’s impressive chin-warmer was last measured at 2.36 metres (7.7 ft), making him the envy of beard-sporting hipsters everywhere.