I don’t know one sexually active adult woman who hasn’t faked it a few times. For some reason, that fact always seems to surprise men. I suppose they can’t bear the thought of their sexual prowess not doing the job. Of course, such a conundrum merits studies to figure out just why women would do such a thing. The latest appears in the Journal of Sexual Archives and actually claims that one reason women fake orgasms is for their own pleasure. Huh? What?
According to these scientist, pretending to reach the height of arousal actually turns us on. Sorry. I have to call b**s*** on this one. The survey of single women in their 20s also suggested that women did this to make their man feel better, but it’s not always just about him. We are far more complex than that. Here is what our informal poll unearthed about what woman are really thinking when they decide to pull a Meg Ryan a la When Harry Met Sally.
- Real Housewives is coming on in 10 minutes.
- Need to walk the dog before it gets to late.
- Ugh. The sink is full of dishes.
- This is taking waaaaayyyyyy to long.
- I’m not gonna get their anyway, so let just wrap it up.
- Is that my email pinging?
- Did I cut the oven off?
- I just got a blow out and now I’m getting all sweaty.
- I’d rather be checking my Facebook status.
- The bed is making too much noise and the kids will hear.
- I just want to get back to my Fifty Shades
- I am too tired for this.
- That pint of mint chocolate chip is calling me.
- Do I hear the phone ringing?
- I’m just not in the mood.
It all boils down to one simple thing: women fake it because they have something else they would rather be doing.
What reasons have you faked an orgasm? Be honest!