Several teenagers play soccer in Rocinha, the largest shantytown in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Nov. 26, 2012 (Photo Credit: Rafael Fabrés/Wires)
These photos say it all.
The World Cup in Brazil this month is shining a global spotlight on the nation’s wealth gap and mounting social unrest over government services. Despite the fact that Brazil is the unofficial capital of soccer, a whopping 61 percent of its people say that hosting the World Cup is bad for the country, according to a Pew poll.
With more than $11 billion spent on the World Cup, many Brazilians are wondering where else that money could have gone.
Here are 12 of the most striking photos that show some of the conditions and controversies in the World Cup’s host country:
A mural by Brazilian street artist Paulo Ito on the side of a schoolhouse in São Paulo.
A man wears a Brazilian national jersey as he walks across a polluted stream in a Rio de Janiero slum.
A tent camp in São Paulo that is home to roughly 1,500 people from the Workers Without a Roof Movement, which is protesting the lack of affordable housing in the region. Brazil has a serious housing shortage: The nation needs 5.24 million more homes, according to the Institute of Applied Economic Research.
Taken during the Confederation’s Cup tournament in Brazil last year, this photo illustrating wealth inequality was dubbed “the two faces of Brazil.”
A.Signl and B.Shanti from the German artist collective “Captain Borderline” created this street art installation. In an email to The Huffington Post, A.Shanti explained that the piece was put up across the street from a police station in Rio, and that onlookers were “very happy about the work, because it really reflects the situation in Brazil right now.”
This second work by A.Signl and B.Shanti is located Rio de Janeiro’s city center. The painting suggests the burden of hosting the World Cup for the average Brazilian.
A performer raises a Brazilian flag covered in fake blood in the city of Belo Horizonte. He was paying tribute to the Brazilian workers who died during the construction of World Cup stadiums.
This street art piece was created by Joga Bonito and posted to his Flickr account.
Protesters block a street in Curitiba, Brazil, during a match on June 16. Their sign asks who benefits from the World Cup.
Residents protest in a slum in Rio de Janeiro in May in an attempt to pressure the government to allocate more money to public services.
People spell out “Red card to child labour” on a beach in Rio de Janeiro as part of a campaign by the International Labour Organization. According to Gary Stahl, a UNICEF representative in Brazil, there are 3 million Brazilian children who are victims of child labor.
A demonstrator wearing a Brazilian flag wades through the reflection pool outside the Brazilian Congress in June 2013 to demand that 10 percent of the country’s GDP be spent on public education. The protest was one of several in Brazil in June that began as opposition to transportation fare hikes, then expanded to a list of causes including anger at high taxes, poor services and high World Cup spending, before coalescing around the issue of rampant government corruption. (AP Photo/Eraldo Peres)
If you’re wondering about the underlying causes behind this unrest, check out this documentary by Vice News: