To get your day started, here are ten things you can do and begin to change the quality of your life.
1.You need to sleep well, a good sleep refresh the brain.
2. Eat well, Eat well, 70% full each time.
3. Drink water , Less sugar more plain water.

4. Spend your time well, 8 hours at work? 2 hours with family. 8 hours of sleep. 6 hours?
don’t just play game or scroll through Facebook. look for valuable contents!
5. Exercise! Getting fat? go for a 5 minutes YOGA!
6. Study and learn! remember the 6 hours? learn a new language find things to read
7. LOVE! always say ” I Love You” to your friends and family, tell them thank you!
8. Manifest! Manifest what you are doing, always scale higher!
9. Self love, Love yourself before you can love others. remember that!
10. Money is not everything, Look around!
Culled from Spiritualist Celestial