Recently, TIME Magazine ecstatically broke the “news” that women over 30 are still totally “dateable.” But here’s another newsflash: not all single women (over 30 or not) are desperately looking for a date, much less to be married.
Indeed, plenty of women are embracing singledom and all the perks of flying solo. Yet, they still face the somehow “socially acceptable” question: “So, why aren’t you married yet?”
This question, which often comes from well-meaning friends or relatives, seems to demand that you justify your life choices in 30 seconds or less. That’s a challenge for even the most confident and content of bachelorettes.
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The wise-cracking American actress, playwright and filmmaker Mae West told The Guardian that she never depended on men to bring her happiness.
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The iconic Swedish actress was so fiercely independent that she even refused to hire a chauffeur.
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The feminist icon had very high standards when it came to her romantic life, and she was typically too busy earning women the right to vote to consider marital prospects.
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Elsa Maxwell was an American gossip columnist, socialite, and the designated life of the party.
Image: Dennis Hallinan via Getty Images
Lizz Winstead, co-creator of “The Daily Show”, struggled to find her voice as a female comedian who didn’t want to talk about “traditional” women’s comedy topics, particularly marriage.
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Coco Chanel had many romantic conquests, but her fashion empire was her most enduring passion.
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Late 19th-century painter Mary Cassatt defied social norms of her time by staying single and focusing on her career. She cherished her independence, saying “I can live alone and I love to work.”
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Actress Katharine Hepburn was even more strong-willed and independent than the characters she played on screen.
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The American actress Shirley McLaine, who boasts a rich history of smoldering love affairs, also said, “The most profound relationship we’ll ever have is the one with ourselves.”
Image: George Marks via Getty Images
Queen Elizabeth I wasn’t looking for a king to share her throne, much to the chagrin of her Parliament