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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

IGNORANT: I Didn’t Know There’s A Word ‘Padding’ Till It Was Found In My Budget – Buhari

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If anything said in the interview that Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari granted to journalists this week in London reveals, he surely doesn’t know a lot of things. A lot of things that a modern day administrator should know.

What stands out is that Buhari never knew there is a word called called ‘padding’. Now, that is a bombshell, because he presents himself as the ultimate anti-corruption crusader – and he doesn’t know a basic corruption term like padding.

“I never heard the word ‘padding’ until this year. I never heard about it. And what does it mean?,” Buhari told journalists from four media houses including Channels TV and The Cable.

If that is not embarrassing enough, Buhari goes on to define padding and his definition includes “noise”, bringing back memories of his perception of ministers as ‘just noisemakers’.

“It means that the technocrats just allow the government to make its noise, go and make presentation to the National Assembly so they will remove it and put their own. So, when we uncovered this, we just have to go back to the basics again,” Buhari told the journalists.

Transparency International says that the first step to fighting corruption is to understand it. It looks like Buhari has a long way to go in even beginning an anti-corruption fight.

What is the real meaning of padding, however?

The Online Dictionary defines it with reference to budgeting as, “something added dishonestly on an expense account”.

“Padding involves interfering in the investigation of crime by planting evidence, and its purpose is to ensure the prosecution of an offender,” Dean Champion wrote in reference to policing.

Buhari And The National Grazing Reserves Bill

Another thing that stood out in the interview session is that President Buhari is solidly behind the plot to claim ancestral land from all Nigerians and hand them over to the Fulani under the guise of National Grazing Reserves. The controversial National Grazing Reserves Bill is before the National Assembly and several groups, human rights organisations, states governments, clergy, ethnic minority groups, and communities in the North, South and Middle Belt  have kicked against the obnoxious bill.

He Doesn’t Know About Niger Delta Avengers

Buhari also revealed that he is not aware of the new Niger Delta militancy group the Niger Delta Avengers. The group has been operational since February, 2016. The have successfully grounded 50% of the crude oil production in the country, claiming responsibility for each attack on strategic pipelines and oil installations in the Delta. The group has a website and has publicised a 10 point demand and yet, President Buhari does not know this group exists and claims he thinks that beneficiaries of the Amnesty Programme are protesting non-payment of their allowances.

Buhari said, “The militants are saying the agreement entered for the amnesty, including payments and training and employment were not being met. To the best of my knowledge, these are their grievances.”

If this is true, Nigeria is in trouble. We have a very ignorant president in Aso Rock.

But, it doesn’t end there.

Buhari Doesn’t Know That A Terrorist Organisation Called Fulani Militia Exists

If we believe Buhari was being truthful in the interview, it also means he is not aware that the genocidal attacks going on in North Central Nigeria and the South against farming communities is being carried out by a distinct terrorist organisation called the Fulani Militia. A group that was named 4th most deadly terrorist group in the world. This is just May and the group has surpassed Boko Haram in number of Nigerians murdered, making the group the world’s most deadly terrorist group, if all other groups maintain their level of carnage.

President Muhammadu Buhari says that the people who have invaded Nigerian communities and committed genocide were trained in Libya under Gaddaffi and that some of them found their way to Boko Haram and the rest are the perpetrators of the genocide in Agatu in Benue, and Nzimo in Enugu.

We leave this part to security analysts, but this reply from the president and the suggestion that it may not be necessary to prosecute the people who have murdered thousands of Nigerians is worrisome.

“They are gone, carrying their weapons and they found themselves even in Boko Haram. It is a major regional and virtually African problem. They work with al Qaeda, with Boko Haram, and so on. It is a government project now to trace them, and disarm them and if necessary try them and lock them up,” Buhari said in London.

Also, it may interest you to know that Buhari has granted Boko Haram a clean slate. “Whatever they [Boko Haram] did in the past is not the issue,” he says when asked about his negotiations for the return of the Chibok schoolgirls with the world’s most deadly terrorist group.

You may read excerpts from the interview produced by The Cable.


The problem is virtually as old as Nigeria itself. Culturally, the herdsmen don’t stay in one place. They move with the season. Normally, harvest is completed much earlier in the north. Then they have to move southwards for green pasture. In the first republic, there was what they called cattle routes and grazing areas. They were marked. Infrastructure were put in terms of windmills, earth dams, even veterinary clinics. Now after first republic, people turned these places into farms. And if you have 500 cows, if they don’t eat for 24 hours, or need water, you can’t stop them [from moving around].

What they used to do then is that if anybody went outside the cattle route, or outside the grazing area, he would be arrested, taken before an alkali’s court, fined. If he can pay, okay. The money is taken and given to the farmer. If he can’t pay, the cattle is sold and the farmer is paid. People were behaving themselves. So when people came and took away the land for the cattle route, for the grazing areas, you find out that from Kaduna to Bayelsa, Nigerians are fighting cattle rearers now. But when I was in the Petroleum Trust Fund, we made a comprehensive study of cattle routes and grazing areas throughout Nigeria. I am referring the governors’ forum and the minister of agriculture and rural development to the report. Let them see what they can do and save the situation.

Meanwhile, there seems to be some credibility that there are other than Nigerian cattle rearers involved. Now this is because of what happened in Libya. Gaddafi, during his 43-year regime, trained some people from the Sahel… militarily, he trained them. And when his regime was overthrown, those people were again dispatched to their countries. They are gone, carrying their weapons and they found themselves even in Boko Haram. It is a major regional and virtually African problem. They work with al Qaeda, with Boko Haram, and so on. It is a government project now to trace them, and disarm them and if necessary try them and lock them up.


I was elected by the whole country and the least I can do is to keep the country together. I assure you, we will develop the capacity to do it. If you could recall, I appointed a retired brigadier-general, Paul Boroh, and when I give people assignment and give them the terms of reference, I allow them to do their work. I spoke to the chief of naval staff and other service chiefs to work with him and help him to make sure that those who are blowing the installations and subverting investments in Nigeria, we will deal with them eventually. The militants are saying the agreement entered for the amnesty, including payments and training and employment were not being met. To the best of my knowledge, these are their grievances. So we put this officer who is from there to revisit the agreement, and see which part the federal government needs to fulfill.


We have to secure Nigeria before we can manage it efficiently. And I assure you we are going to do that. We will try and develop confidence in our ability to do it eventually.


I believe in privatisation. It is efficient. But we have to talk to those who make a lot of noise about privatisation. Their own privatisation, how successful is it? We are trying to be in a state of “beyond the token”. [For instance], if you claim to be a good farmer, how much investment did you put into it? Then we help you with tractors, with advisers, to make sure you do produce. We give you seeds and fertilizers. But we don’t just believe whatever you say.


My problem is that you just don’t produce five [and say you want to negotiate]. Over 200 girls are missing. We need at least 50, to be sure they are safe, and we join them to their families, take them back to their schools, then we can negotiate. Whatever they did in the past is not the issue. All we want is to recover the girls.


So far, what has come out, what has been recovered, in whatever currency, from which ministry, department and individuals, I intend on the 29th [of May] to speak on this because all that Nigerians are getting to know are from the newspapers, radio and television because of the number of people arrested by EFCC, DSS. We want to make a comprehensive report by May 29.


Eventually, it has to be done because we want to successfully prosecute them. But you know you can’t go to the court unless you have the documents to do your prosecution – where some of these people sign for these monies, send it to their personal bank accounts. Their banks gave a statement that the money is there when it came how much of it available and so on.


The accusation will be against the law enforcement agencies. But I can assure you we don’t interfere. Try and get the list of those who are now under arrest, either with EFCC or already taken to prison, you will find out that it is across the board.


It depends on the technocrats. We have six months to implement the budget. But you know why there was a delay. There is something called “padding”. I’ve been in government since 1975. I was governor of the north-east state, which is now six states: Borno, Yobe, Bauchi, Gombe, Adamawa, and Taraba. Then I was in Obasanjo’s cabinet, in the petroleum ministry, for three and a quarter years. I was head of state for 20 months. I never heard the word “padding” until this year. I never heard about it. And what does it mean? It means that the technocrats just allow the government to make its noise, go and make presentation to the national assembly, so they will remove it and put their own. So, when we uncovered this, we just have to go back to the basics again.

Ministers again had to go and appear before the minister of budget and planning and make presentation again. And this was clearly brought out by the minister of health. I saw with my own eyes, nobody told me. I was watching NTA. He appeared before a committee. And they said, ‘Oya, minister, come and defend your budget.’ He looked at what they presented to him as his own budget and he said I have nothing to defend. They said what do you mean, and he said this is not what I presented. And subsequently we discovered that it was not only the ministry of health. So they allow you to talk rubbish as government and then they do what they like.

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